Expected releases and development planning

Find out when new features become available - a visual overview of our quarterly development planning.


Greenhood app launched: Your crypto payment solution

The Greenhood app is now available on Google Play and Apple App Store. This launch brings the core features of our wallet to users, after extensive testing for a smooth experience.

With features such as the address book and shared accounts under development, and laid the foundation for future partner integrations, we offer a powerful solution that keeps you in control.

Q3-4 2024
Greenhood app launched: Your crypto payment solution

The Greenhood app is now available on Google Play and Apple App Store. This launch brings the core features of our wallet to users, after extensive testing for a smooth experience.

With features such as the address book and shared accounts under development, and laid the foundation for future partner integrations, we offer a powerful solution that keeps you in control.

Ease of use thanks to integration

In the first half of 2025, we will focus on expanding and refining the Greenhood app. We're introducing options for users to request and link an IBAN and payment card, offering them the same benefits as traditional payment solutions. This marks our evolution from a standard crypto wallet to a full payment app, while fully maintaining your financial autonomy.

In addition, we are transforming the Greenhood Cooperative by moving to a DAO structure. We're launching Greenhood certificates, which act as cooperative stocks, and offering users memberships for access to voting rights and premium features.

Q1-2 2025
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Official launch and expansion

In Q3 2025, we will present the Greenhood app as a complete payment solution. We're expanding our support with additional cryptocurrencies, including stable coins like EURe and popular options like Ether. In addition, we are introducing sDAI, which allows users to generate returns. In collaboration with Monflo, we are launching a Money Market Fund to offer even more opportunities for returns. These strategic extensions increase the versatility and value of Greenhood as your comprehensive financial tool.

Q3 2025
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In Q4 2025, we will introduce multi-chain support in the Greenhood app, giving users more flexibility in managing their digital assets. Thanks to SAFE NET technology, we can provide fast and seamless bridging between different blockchain networks. This innovation reinforces the user experience and highlights our commitment to a versatile and future-proof financial solution.

Q4 2025
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